Nicușor Dan, primarul general al municipiului Bucureşti, estimează că în următorii doi-trei ani locuitorii Capitalei care s-au debranşat de la sistemul de încălzire centralizat se vor rebranşa, pe măsură ce reţeaua de termoficare va fi reabilitată, iar numărul avariilor va scădea. „În 2020, când am venit la primărie, întrebarea a fost dacă sistemul mai ţine […]
Nicoșor Dan, the mayor of Bucharest, believes that residents who have disconnected from the central heating system will reconnect within the next 2-3 years. This is due to ongoing rehabilitation efforts to improve the system's reliability and reduce the frequency of breakdowns. He emphasizes that significant progress has been made in repairing the network and expects a substantial decrease in system failures in the future.
Nicoșor Dan, the mayor of Bucharest, believes that residents who have disconnected from the central heating system will reconnect within the next 2-3 years. This is due to ongoing rehabilitation efforts to improve the system's reliability and reduce the frequency of breakdowns. He emphasizes that significant progress has been made in repairing the network and expects a substantial decrease in system failures in the future.